by Lyonel Perabo | Feb 20, 2017 | BIVROST Stories
It is time for me to ride along the blood-red roads, to set the pale horse treading the path through the sky; I must cross the wind-vault’s bridge in the West, before Salgofnir awakens the victorious people. These rather cryptic words are taken from an Old Norse...
by Lyonel Perabo | Apr 20, 2015 | BIVROST Stories
Óðinn is often described as the chief God of the Norsemen and what’s more fitting for a chief than drinking fine wines? A noble activity that was enthusiastically embraced by his many followers as well. Vikings and other Norsemen loved their alcohol and...
by Lyonel Perabo | Feb 9, 2015 | BIVROST Stories
For the ancient Norsemen, drinking was much more than just consuming alcoholic beverages. Drinking ale and mead was instead part of their ancestral lifestyle and had deep cultural and religious significance. Why do people tend to associate Vikings and drinking? In our...