by Lyonel Perabo | May 2, 2017 | BIVROST Stories
According to ancient Norse tales, the first meeting between Norwegians and Scots took place in the Viking-Age, at the time when the legendary king Harald hårfagre (“fairhair”) sent a fleet against North-Sea pirates. Back then, in the late 9th-century, numerous Vikings...
by Lyonel Perabo | Mar 10, 2017 | BIVROST Stories
In Old Norse myths, one major recurring theme is the opposition between the Gods, together with their human progenies, against the Jötnar, Þursar, Rísar and Trolls, the giant-kind. Throughout the numerous Pagan poems of the Poetic Edda as well as in quite a few...
by Lyonel Perabo | Jan 27, 2017 | BIVROST Stories
Ragnarok, “the doom of the Gods”, is possibly the best-known of all the Norse mythological events described in ancient poetry and prose. First-mentioned in the epic poem Voluspå (“the prophecy of the seeress”), probably composed around the year 1000, the poem...
by Lyonel Perabo | Mar 30, 2016 | BIVROST Stories
While she is little-known outside Scandinavia today, Queen Gunnhildr from Arctic Norway was, during her reign in the Viking Age, one of Europe’s most powerful woman, almost single-handedly exemplifying the image of the strong-willed Viking woman. According to...
by Lyonel Perabo | Feb 28, 2016 | BIVROST Stories
For many, the beautiful landscapes of the Lofoten islands are synonymous with holidays, celebrations, peace and the perfect embodiment of the wild Arctic nature. However, in the Middle-Ages, very different stories were circulating about the beautiful archipelago,...