by Lyonel Perabo | Nov 11, 2015 | BIVROST Stories
As Northern Lights photography progressively leapt into the Digital realm in the early two-thousands, it soon became possible not only to take still images of the Aurora but also moving ones, Aurora videos in other words! As shown in the previous installments of this...
by Lyonel Perabo | Oct 31, 2015 | BIVROST Stories
Norway was one of the focal points of both the allies and the axis during the second World War. Numerous battles and other capital events took place on Norwegian soil but none is more harrowing than the Arctic escape of sergeant Jan Baalsrud in 1943. In April 1940,...
by Lyonel Perabo | Oct 16, 2015 | BIVROST Stories
For most of the XXth century, photographers who wished to snap a shot of the Aurora had to rely on silver-coated films and darkrooms to obtain any kind of results. Towards the end of the millennium, a new technological breakthrough made it much easier to obtain...
by Lyonel Perabo | Dec 1, 2014 | BIVROST Stories
What did the Viking believe about the Northern Lights? Do the tales of the God-Bridge Bivröst reflect the Norsemen’s visions of the Aurora Borealis? The Vikings never wrote books, but their descendants produced thousands of manuscripts during the...